Friday, February 4, 2011

Mortgage planning will get you results

The Reserve Bank may have held back on rates, but don’t hold back on the way you manage your mortgage”

Mortgage planning is the key to having money when you need it.

By seeking the advice of a professional mortgage planner you can reallocate your household income and expenditure to create your own money tree

Most people work really hard, but seem to be always finding that the money they earn is spent on the costs of living and covering the everyday bills and lifestyle requirements. They notice that their mortgage never seems to go anywhere and that they just seem to be paying a lot of tax.
One philosophy used by our grandparents and one which is coming back into vogue is ‘financial freedom is not determined by how much you earn, but by how you use what you do earn’. Remember, grandma saying a penny saved is worth more than a penny earned. Well, this is what ‘Mortgage Planning’ is all about.

The first part of the plan involves reviewing and changing the pattern that your household income is used and then segmenting your money into different compartments. Just like your grandparents used to put the weekly wages into different envelopes, one for groceries, one for fuel and one for saving and so on. The money was always there to pay for what you needed and there were savings that could be used for other things like investments and growing your future.

At urbanmoney we have a look at the way you use your money and help you review your household financial structure to create a surplus. We make sure that we can create a plan that will work for you and help you to move from re-active to proactive living – and having money when you need it.

Our program has a guarantee that ensures you are in a better position in 1 year’s time and on the road to stronger financial future.

For more about urban money and mortgage planning 

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